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How to Be an Impact Player to Prevent Burnout

Burnout doesn’t happen because of too much work. It happens because we’re not passionate about the work we’re doing.  The practice of becoming an impact...

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How to Be an Impact Player to Prevent Burnout

Burnout doesn’t happen because of too much work. It happens because we’re not passionate about the work we’re doing.  The practice of becoming an impact player means stepping outside of your comfort zone and seeking work you're passionate about and can contribute to. Liz Wiseman is a researcher, executive advisor, writer at Big Think, and author of Impact Players, How to Take the Lead, and Multiply Your Impact. Many theories on burnout look at the differences in personality types. Some include extraversion and introversion and symptoms of type A or B. In her findings, she comes to her own conclusions on personality differences as she shares the difference between the kinds of people who burn out quickly and...

Notes on Becoming The Best Version of Yourself

This is your wake-up call if you’re feeling defeated. Failure is OK. In fact, it’s needed to propel you to the next level. If you’ve felt defeated, tired, or confused, take a break, reassess, and then get back to it.

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